VPS hosting is a form of web hosting that hosts your website or server by allocating a certain number of resources from one of its physical servers. Best VPS Hosting is somewhat between shared and dedicated hosting. The host will normally have more than one VPS running on the same physical machine, so they are sharing hardware resources.
This means that if one virtual server uses up all of the CPU power, for example, it will slow down the others as well. However, it also means that each virtual server is usually isolated from another. We provide the best hosting services at a great rate than others. Our servers and cloud servers are available 24×7. We use automatic monitoring and management system to ensure that our services run smoothly and access for you is 100% guaranteed.

Which kind of Features comes with Best VPS Hosting?
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
- Customer Support 24/7
- 99.99% Uptime and downtime
- Monthly Backups
- Free Website Transfer
- DDOS Protection
- SSD storage
- Cheap /Fully Managed server
- Full root Access
Who needs is the best VPS hosting for your business?
It depends upon your business in which is the scale you start your online business and which kind of hosting is best for your business. If you start your online business at a small and medium level so VPS hosting is very useful for your site. VPS Hosting is easily managed your high traffic and secures your website with SSL Security.
When Your site work slow
If your website takes time to load and works slow this is not good for your website and customers. Your normal hosting is not working properly so it is time to switch to Best Hosting.
lots of site owners are facing this issue if they use shared hosting. Because shared hosting does not have sufficient power and storage to manage heavy traffic that’s you choose the Best VPS Hosting for your online business.
The issue about website security
You running your online store and your site is not safe and lots of customers visit your site and you have lots of data but your site is not safe so in this condition, you can choose VPS Hosting. Hosting comes with SSL security who secure your all data from the hacker.
When your traffic is increased
If your website traffic rapidly grows so this is the time to upgrade your normal hosting to VPS Hosting. But you don’t upgrade your hosting and run your website normal hosting so your website works slow or your site will be crashed. If you use Hosting you’ll have more space to keep your site running smoothly.
You Run an Online Store
If you are running your online store so your first priority is speed and security so you want fast speed and security so you choose VPS Hosting. It comes with advanced features and secures your all data from hackers.
How to Choose Best VPS Hosting?
When you are thinking about how to choose the Best VPS hosting so lots of companies are available in the market. Here we mention some important point which helps to choose VPS Hosting.
- Full Root access
- Backup Facility
- 24*7 customer support
- Data Center
Full Root Access
We provide full administration with VPS Hosting and you can customize anything as per your need anytime anywhere.
Backup Facility
We provide a backup facility where all of your website data are stored. We store your monthly, weekly, and daily data backup.
24*7 customer support
If you purchased VPS Hosting so we will provide flexible technical customer support for any kind of help.
Data Center
HOSTING comes with a large data center where all of the important data will store. Our data center is available in lots of places.
Why Our Company Best VPS Provider?
Onlive Server offers the best Hosting provider in less than your budget. They provide services such as website hosting, virtual private server, cheap domain registration, cheap web hosting, cheap cPanel hosting, website design, and much more.
Are you providing a backup facility?
Yes, the technical team stores all your data safely. Where in case of losing important data, you can get backup easily.